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Club Statement - COVID-19

Dear members,

With the season fast approaching, the club are keeping a close eye on the coronavirus pandemic and the possible ramifications for league and friendly cricket this season.

The club are monitoring the latest advice from the government and will continue to urge players with mild symptoms to self-isolate and avoid as appropriate any net sessions or fixtures.

It seems as though the club's nets at John Lyon School have been suspended for the time being and we will advise as to whether these sessions will be rescheduled or cancelled completely. In the case of the latter, all pre-paid participants will receive refunds on cancelled nets. Furthermore, the pre-season meal scheduled for Friday 20 March will be postponed indefinitely and all related materials will be forwarded onto interested members.

It is the club's stance that we will endeavour to play all of our scheduled fixtures for the 2020 season subject to government restrictions and/or the willingness of our opposition.



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