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Edgware helps community bat long in difficult conditions

COVID-19 has proved to be an immensely challenging time for everyone across the UK, from local cricket clubs to small businesses. Edgware Cricket Club are dedicated to supporting those within the local community and ensuring they can continue to flourish even in the toughest of conditions.

We've been very lucky to have the support of Kabul City Restaurant over the past couple of seasons and when the restaurant was struggling to open due to lack of staff, the Edgware Cricket Club players have stepped in to support. We'd like to mention club captain Ciaran Hosty, Nakul Jilka, Dean Veerapen, Rohan Garara and Jude Saverus for their volunteering work over the past month or so which has allowed Kabul City to open its doors for collection and takeaway services.

We'd like to pass our best wishes onto owner Anas Mujadiddi who has long been a supporter of the club and wish him good luck for the future once the government restrictions allow for restaurants and pubs to open their doors fully in early July.

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