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Edgware announce subscriptions for 2025 season

Edgware Cricket Club have announced the subscription tiers for the 2025 season which sees 16 players forming the core squad for the year ahead. All subscription players will receive a free club shirt, whilst Tier A and Tier B players (except those on student discounts) will also receive a free club cap (see perks below).

The subscriptions tiers, which are determined using last season's appearances as a guide, have been weighted to ensure a suitable number of players appear in each tier. Those who played the most games in the 2024 season have been grouped in Tier A (played 16+ matches), followed by Tier B (played 8-15 games) and then finally, Tier C, completes the tiered structure and houses all remaining players who played 5+ matches. All other players not meeting these criteria have not been placed into a subscription tier, however, should they play 5+ games in the 2025 season, they will be charged a flat £15 during their 5th match.

Edgware Cricket Club subscriptions 2025 season

Subscription Increase for 2025

For the first time since 2021, subscription costs are set to increase to cover additional costs associated with league cricket and Clubmark accreditation. The latter, is a key requirement for the club to develop a youth set-up which will hopefully self-sustain the club for years to come. In addition, it also offers opportunities for the club to access grants to improve facilities and meet its long-term strategic targets. The revised club development plan for 2025 will be circulated in due course.

The subscription costs for the new season will rise as follows:

Tier A: Set to increase to £60 from £50

Tier B: Set to increase to £45 from £40

Tier C: Set to increase to £35 from £30

All other players not meeting the above criteria, who then play 5+ games this season, will be charged a £15 fee on their 5th game.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do players need to pay subscriptions?

Subscriptions are integral to the running of the club. They are desgined to offset the core costs that are otherwise not covered by match fees. These include, affiliations to Middlesex and Hertfordshire, league fees, insurance costs and deposits for ground hires. All of which are mandatory for Edgware to continue participating in the Saturday and Sunday cricket leagues.

Why do subscriptions follow a tiered structure?

Edgware have maintained a tiered structure for subscriptions since 2016. It was felt that players who cannot commit to regular games should not be expected to pay the same flat subscription fee as a player who plays week in and week out. The club's core aim is to reduce the barriers of entry for recreational cricket and we believe a tiered structure allows us to do this.

How do Edgware's subscription fees compare to other clubs in the area?

Even after the proposed increase this season, Edgware's subscriptions remain extremely competitive compared to other local clubs participating in league cricket. Comparing our annual subscriptions to clubs who compete in the same Saturday Cricket League and Sunday Cricket League division (where information is available), the average annual subscription for those clubs was £157, with a maximum subscription of £230 and a minimum subscription of £100.

Given the quality of grounds that Edgware are able to provide players, and the access to competitive cricket leagues on Saturday and Sunday, we believe the subscriptions we offer remains very competitive. With the lowest tier costing just £35.


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