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Edgware set to celebrate Dharmish' life with fixture against Watford Town

Edgware will take on Watford Town on Thursday 26 May (2pm start) to celebrate the life of hall of famer Dharmish Bhatt, who tragically passed away at the age of just 26, a year ago.

The club's will be running a number of activities throughout the day and there will be plenty of food and drinks available from Watford's bar. All money raised will be going towards Cardiac Risk in the Young and we hope everyone who attends can donate generously.

Furthermore, Edgware have launched a Just Giving page to raise money for a new memorial bench which will be engraved with Dharmish's name and located at Mill Hill Village Cricket Club, Edgware's adopted home. As the page goes live, this page will be updated with the details.


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