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Vidanda Galgamuwa voted Player's Player of the Year at Annual AGM

Vidanda Galgamuwa was the star performer at Edgware Cricket Club's annual AGM event held at the Seven Pub Harrow on Saturday. Vidanda was one of several players to receive awards for their contributions on the pitch during the 2021 season (photos below).

In addition to the award ceremony, the key takeaways from this year's AGM presentation were:

  • Edgware are set to join the Saracens Hertfordshire Cricket League ahead of the 2022 season

  • Edgware will continue to participate in the Chess Valley League Division 3

  • Edgware will look to host a cricket week in June or July 2022 subject to fixture congestion

  • Edgware are exploring options to host regular summer training sessions between May-September 2022

  • Edgware are exploring future ground options to accommodate both Saturday and Sunday cricket

  • Edgware will collaborate with Cardiac Risk in the Young and Home-Start Barnet throughout 2022

The full-list of major award winners are as follows:

Player's Player of the Year - Vidanda Galgamuwa

First XI Batter of the Year - Ciaran Hosty

First XI Bowler of the Year - Ananya Dixit

Fielder of the Year - Rahul Kothari

Second XI Batter of the Year - Vidanda Galgamuwa

Second XI Bowler of the Year - Suraj Kerai

Most Improved Player of the Year - Dean Veerapen

Emerging Player of the Year - Sagar Raghvani

Young Player of the Year - Ethan John

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